Results for 'Ivan Alexander Muñoz'

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  1.  13
    Anotaciones Sobre Una Posible Fundamentación de la Ética En Ser y Tiempo de Martin Heidegger.Ivan Alexander Muñoz - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 31:99-108.
    Los intentos de descubrir una ética o un fundamento de ésta en Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger son la mayoría de veces infructuosos debido al poco espacio que Heidegger le dedica al tema del “otro“ en su parte “positiva“, lo que le ha valido a éste no pocos reproches. Quienes vislumbran aquí una ética se podrían agrupar en tres: Los que ven una ética negativa (al modo de la teología negativa), los que centran su exposición en el concepto de (...)
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    De Gamboa, Camila, y María Victoria Uribe, eds. Los silencios de la guerra.Iván Alexander Mahecha Bustos - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):207-216.
    RESUMEN El pensamiento y las prácticas sociales de los atenienses de la Época Clásica se hallaban jerarquizados en favor de los varones, que se consideraban superiores naturalmente y con capacidad y derecho a gobernar en la polis y en la casa. Se muestra cómo el Agamenón de Esquilo cuestiona la naturalización de esta superioridad mediante el personaje de Clitemnestra, quien actúa, piensa y habla como varón, y muestra que matar a un familiar, cambiar de pareja, luchar por el mando se (...)
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  3. Civilizational values in the age of global social transformations.Ivan A. Aleshkovski & Alexander T. Gasparishvili - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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  4. Otto Neurath's Scientific Utopianism Revisited - A Refined Model for Utopias in Thought Experiments.Alexander Linsbichler & Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (2):1-26.
    Otto Neurath’s empiricist methodology of economics and his contributions to politi- cal economy have gained increasing attention in recent years. We connect this research with contemporary debates regarding the epistemological status of thought experiments by reconstructing Neurath’s utopias as linchpins of thought experiments. In our three reconstructed examples of different uses of utopias/dystopias in thought experiments we employ a reformulation of Häggqvist’s model for thought experiments and we argue that: (1) Our reformulation of Häggqvist’s model more adequately complies with many (...)
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    Otto Neurath’s Scientific Utopianism Revisited-A Refined Model for Utopias in Thought Experiments.Alexander Linsbichler & Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (2):233-258.
    Otto Neurath’s empiricist methodology of economics and his contributions to political economy have gained increasing attention in recent years. We connect this research with contemporary debates regarding the epistemological status of thought experiments by reconstructing Neurath’s utopias as linchpins of thought experiments. In our three reconstructed examples of different uses of utopias/dystopias in thought experiments we employ a reformulation of Häggqvist’s model for thought experiments and we argue that: (1) Our reformulation of Häggqvist’s model more adequately complies with many uses (...)
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    Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary.Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour & William C. Gay (eds.) - 2014 - Editions Rodopi.
    This book provides brief expositions of the central concepts in the field of Global Studies. Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev says, “The book is intelligent, rich in content and, I believe, necessary in our complex, turbulent, and fragile world.” 300 authors from 50 countries contributed 450 entries. The contributors include scholars, researchers, and professionals in social, natural, and technological sciences. They cover globalization problems within ecology, business, economics, politics, culture, and law. This interdisciplinary collection provides a basis (...)
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    A 5n− o (n) Lower Bound on the Circuit Size over U 2 of a Linear Boolean Function.Alexander S. Kulikov, Olga Melanich & Ivan Mihajlin - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper, How the World Computes. pp. 432--439.
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    (1 other version)Ciência, Imaginação e Valores Na Virada Energética Alemã: Um Exemplo da Metodologia de Neurath Para a Tecnologia Social.Ivan F. Da Cunha & Alexander Linsbichler - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (156):673-700.
    ABSTRACT Neurath’s scientific utopianism is the proposal that the social sciences should engage in the elaboration, development, and comparison of counterfactual scenarios, the ‘utopias’. Such scenarios can be understood as centerpieces of scientific thought experiments, that is, in exercises of imagination that not only promote conceptual revision, but also stimulate creativity to deal with experienced problems, as utopias are efforts to imagine what the future could look like. Moreover, utopian thought experiments can offer scientific knowledge to inform political debates and (...)
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  9.  24
    Global Universal Values and the Dialog among Civilizations.Natalia Smakotina, Ivan Aleshkovski & Alexander Gasparishvili - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (1):71-79.
    The article explores the extent to which experts from different countries share the same axiological approaches with regard to the dialogue among civilizations and international cooperation at governmental and grass-roots levels. The article shows how subject matter experts provide collaborative input into the features and limits that shape global universal values. Interactions among civilizations promoting their equality and partnership as opposed to clashes should be at the heart of the transformations of values. Such transformations are expected to foster mutual exchange (...)
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  10. Science, Imagination and Values in the German Energy Turn: an Example of Neurath's Methodology for Social Technology.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha & Alexander Linsbichler - manuscript - Translated by Ivan Ferreira da Cunha & Alexander Linsbichler.
    Neurath’s scientific utopianism is the proposal that the social sciences should engage in the elaboration, development, and comparison of counterfactual scenarios, the ‘utopias’. Such scenarios can be understood as centerpieces of scientific thought experiments, that is, in exercises of imagination that not only promote conceptual revision, but also stimulate creativity to deal with experienced problems, as utopias are efforts to imagine what the future could look like. Moreover, utopian thought experiments can offer scientific knowledge to inform political debates and decisions, (...)
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  11. Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation: A Phronetic Perspective.Niels Mejlgaard, Malene Vinther Christensen, Roger Strand, Ivan Buljan, Mar Carrió, Marta Cayetano I. Giralt, Erich Griessler, Alexander Lang, Ana Marušić, Gema Revuelta, Gemma Rodríguez, Núria Saladié & Milena Wuketich - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):597-615.
    Across the European research area and beyond, efforts are being mobilized to align research and innovation processes and products with societal values and needs, and to create mechanisms for inclusive priority setting and knowledge production. A central concern is how to foster a culture of “Responsible Research and Innovation” among scientists and engineers. This paper focuses on RRI teaching at higher education institutions. On the basis of interviews and reviews of academic and policy documents, it highlights the generic aspects of (...)
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    Francisco Alexander Mendez and Iván Molina Jiménez: a secretive meeting.Laura Fuentes Belgrave, Francisco Alejandro Méndez & Iván Molina - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):85-91.
    Los autores que dialogan en el número 27 de Ístmica con sus respectivos cuentos; el guatemalteco Francisco Alejandro Méndez y el costarricense Iván Molina Jiménez, han encontrado maneras subrepticias y transtemporales de erizarnos la piel a través de la narrativa que nos ofrecen en esta edición. Méndez (1964), es periodista, crítico literario, catedrático universitario y reconocido escritor del istmo, quien obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Literatura de Guatemala en el 2017. Ha publicado los siguientes libros de novela y cuento: Graga (...)
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  13.  22
    The Child Victim in Andrey Tarkovsky’s Ivan's Childhood.Alexander Kozin - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):917-933.
    In this article I examine Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1962 film Ivan’s Childhood. The film tells a story about a twelve-year old Russian boy, whose family was killed by the Germans at the onset of WWII. Orphaned and dispossessed, Ivan began to scout for the Soviet troops. Eventually, he was captured, tortured and executed by the Gestapo. Using a wide gamut of mythopoetic “articulations,” in this film, Tarkovsky shows how Ivan’s victimization affected him beyond repair, leading to the erosion (...)
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  14. Phenomenology of the Plastic Image: How is a Philosophical Parable Possible in Sculpture?Ivan Apollonov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):490-509.
    The article examines the question posed in the title, which implies the consideration of sculpture as a method of sense making by plastic means, revealing the truth of being in spatial form. The study of the phenomenological perspective of this method is built upon I. Kant’s conception of art as a free play of genius, based on reason. The apparent contradiction between the spontaneity of the subjective assumption of an image, which implies the impossibility of its being deduced, and its (...)
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    Producción, bloqueo y reapropiación de la experiencia en la esfera pública. Una actualización de Marx a través de Kluge y Negt.Jorge Iván Giraldo Ramírez & Manuela Santamaría Moncada - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 71:71-108.
    Este artículo defiende que la filosofía marxista proporciona importantes herramientas conceptuales para esbozar un concepto crítico de la esfera pública con base en las aportaciones teóricas de Alexander Kluge y Oskar Negt. Para ello, se muestra, en primer lugar, que el concepto de producción de Marx tiene una dimensión simbólica inherente y que no solo abarca la producción de mercancías, sino también la de la experiencia social. A partir de esta idea filosófica de la producción, se examina una relación (...)
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    Kronos Philosophical Journal, vol.V/2016.Vladimir Varava, Natalia Rostova, Piotr Nowak, Janusz Dobieszewski, Fedor Girenok, Marina Savel'eva, Anastasia Gacheva, Irena Księżopolska, Carl A. P. Ruck, John Uebersax, Peter Warnek, Edward P. Butler, Apostolos L. Pierris, Jeff Love, Svetozar Minkov, Ivan Dimitrijević, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Grzegorz Czemiel & David Kretz - unknown
    The annual Kronos Philosophical Journal was established in Warsaw in 2012. The papers presented in the annual might be of interest to the readers from outside Poland, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the dynamic thought of contemporary Polish authors, as well as entirely new topics, rarely discussed by English speaking authors. Volume V/2016 comprises articles problematizing Russian phlosophy and literature as well as Ancient Greek philosophy and culture.
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    Ecologia e giustizia: Ivan Illich e Alexander Langer.Mauro Bozzetti - 2023 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism, written by Alexander J. Mazur and Revised Edition by Dylan M. Burns, with Kevin Corrigan, Ivan Miroshnikov, Tuomas Rasimus, and John D. Turner. [REVIEW]Lloyd P. Gerson - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 16 (1):88-91.
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    Tarnovo Church Council in 1360 and the Bulgarian-Jewish Religious Conflict from 1350ies.Hristo Saldzhiev - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (1):75-85.
    The article focuses on problems relating to the Jewish community’s origin in medieval Tarnovo, the reasons that provoked the Bulgarian-Jewish conflict from the 1350ies and its aftermaths. The hypothesis that Tarnovo Jews originated from Byzantine and appeared in medieval Bulgarian capital at the end of the 12th century as manufacturers of silk is proposed. The religious clash from the 1350ies is ascribed to the influence exerted by some Talmudic anti-Christian texts on the local Jewish community, to the broken inner status-quo (...)
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  20. Kazus kli︠a︡ksy: novye razmyshlenii︠a︡ o vidimom i nevidimom.Alexander Chernoglazov - 2024 - Sankt-Peterburg: Jaromir Hladik press.
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  21.  11
    The philosophy of F. H. Jacobi.Alexander Wellington Crawford - 1905 - London: Macmillan.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  22.  14
    Explaining and analyzing audiences: A social cognitive approach to selectivity and media use.Alexander van Deursen, Christian von Criegern, Sven Jöckel, Matthias Rickes & Oscar Peters - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):279-308.
    This study explored LaRose and Eastin's model of media attendance, within a European context. It extended the uses and gratifications paradigm within the framework of social cognitive theory by instituting new operational measures of gratifications sought, reconstructed as outcome expectations. Although the model of media attendance offers some promising steps forward in measuring media selectivity and usage, and to some extent is applicable to another context of media use, the relative importance of outcome expectancies in explaining media usage and selectivity (...)
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    Spinoza's ethics : A reader's guide.Alexander Douglas - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (3):640 – 642.
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    On the Women Question.Alexander Delfini - 1970 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1970 (5):174-178.
  25.  25
    An old French life of saint Barbara.Alexander Joseph Denomy - 1939 - Mediaeval Studies 1 (1):148-178.
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    Linguistic $$\leftrightarrow $$ ↔ Rational Agents’ Semantics.Alexander Dikovsky - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (4):341-437.
    We define and prove a formal semantics divided into two complementary interacting components: the strictly linguistic semantics, we call linguistic agent, and the strictly logical and referential semantics, we call rational agent. This Linguistic \ Rational Agents’ Semantics applies to Deep Dependency trees or more generally, to discourses, i.e. sequences of DD-trees, and interprets them by functional structures we call Meaning Representation Structures, similar to the DRT, but interpreted very differently. LRA semantics incrementally interprets the discourses by minimal finite models, (...)
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    Raimundus Lullus: an introduction to his life, works and thought.Alexander Fidora, Josep E. Rubio & Óscar de la Cruz (eds.) - 2008 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  28. Ramón Llull, caballero de la fe: el arte luliana y su proyección en la edad media.Alexander Fidora & José G. Higuera (eds.) - 2001 - Pamplona, Spain: Anuario Filosófico, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Navarra.
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    Rational philosophy in history and in system: an introduction to a logical and metaphysical course.Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1858 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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  30. "An Index of" CW "Surveys of Scholarship".Alexander G. Mckay - 1974 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 67 (4):221.
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    Philosophy.Alexander Meiklejohn - 1926 - Chicago,: American library association.
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  32. The meaning of military virtues for peace : a moral theological approach.Alexander Merkl - 2019 - In Bernhard Koch, Chivalrous Combatants? The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present. Münster: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  33.  38
    Kurt Baier's “logical lapse”.Alexander Sesonske - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (6):92 - 94.
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    On believing.Alexander Sesonske - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (May):486-492.
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    Plato's Republic.Alexander Sesonske - 1966 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
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  36.  44
    The essence of yoga: a contribution to the psychohistory of Indian civilisation.Georg Feuerstein - 1974 - New York: Grove Press : distributed by Random House.
    Voyage is the first part of The Coast of Utopia , Tom Stoppard's long-awaited and monumental trilogy that explores a group of friends who came of age under the Tsarist autocracy of Nicholas I, and for whom the term intelligentsia was coined. Among them are the anarchist Michael Bakunin, who was to challenge Marx for the soul of the masses; Ivan Turgenev, author of some of the most enduring works in Russian literature; the brilliant, erratic young critic Vissarion Belinsky; (...)
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  37. Alphonso Lingis, The First Person Singular Reviewed by.Alexander E. Hooke - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (1):43-46.
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    Correction to: the Twofold Task of Union.Alexander Jech - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (5):1125-1125.
    The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error. In footnote 1, the “[My 2013]” and “[My other 2013]” should be updated.
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    Introduction.Alexander Kalbarczyk - 2018 - In Predication and Ontology: Studies and Texts on Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Readings of Aristotle’s ›Categories‹. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-8.
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  40. A Co-Variety-Theorem for Modal Logic.Alexander Kurz - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 385-398.
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  41. Das Bewusstsein des Wollens.Alexander Pfander - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:75.
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  42. Die Quantität des Urteils und die möglichen Urteils formen.Alexander Pfänder - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:253.
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  43. Die ästhetischen aktuellen Gesinnungen.Alexander Pfänder - 1916 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 3:46.
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  44. Der Satz vom Widerspruch: Der spezielle Satz vom Widerspruch.Alexander Pfänder - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:353.
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  45. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 172, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, X.Potts Alexander - 2011
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  46. Essays in Philosophy.Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1856
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  47. Kripke.Alexander Bird - 2009 - In Christopher Belshaw & Gary Kemp, 12 Modern Philosophers. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153--72.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Necessity and Essence Naming and Reference Rules and Meaning Conclusion References.
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  48. Remarks on our knowledge of modal facts.Alexander Bird - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (1):54--60.
    Can we have a posteriori knowledge of modal facts? And if so, is that knowledge fundamentally a posteriori, or does a priori intuition provide the modal component of what is known? Though the latter view seems more straightforward, there are also reasons for taking the first option seriously.
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    The Literature Review as Imagined Past.Alexander Blum - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):827-829.
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    Illusions of Linguistics and Illusions of Modern Synthesis: Two Parallel Stories.Alexander Bolshoy & Ľudmila Lacková - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):115-119.
    Metaphors involve immense explanatory power and positive impact predominantly in the scientific education and popularization. Still the use of metaphors in science might be a double-edged sword. Introduction of the computer metaphor to many scientific fields in the last century resulted in reductionist approaches, oversimplifications and mechanistic explanations in science as well as in humanities. In this short commentary we developed further the computer metaphor by prof. Noble and the illusions this metaphor led to in genetics, linguistics and consequently DNA (...)
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